2018 Shortlist

Congratulations all those who made the shortlist for the 2018 Global Good Awards! The winners will be announced at our awards ceremony on 16th May at BMA House, London.

All shortlisted candidates are entitled to priority booking to attend the ceremony and tickets are already selling fast, so get yours by downloading the booking form below. For more information about the event, visit the 2018 Event page.
If you have any questions, please email karen@GlobalGoodAwards.co.uk

Overall Excellence in Corporate Responsibility

The Body Shop - Enrich Not Exploit

TBS_Symbol_Large_black_2015More than a sustainability programme, Enrich Not Exploit is a strategy that underpins all aspects of our company, from head office to shop materials, from product ingredients and packaging to our supply chain.

This Global Commitment comprises evidence-based, measurable targets for 2020, in three areas where we can make the biggest difference; people, products and planet. Rather than just improving our carbon footprint, we are improving biodiversity in holistic ways, and helping our sourcing communities to develop sustainable livelihoods.

Enrich Not Exploit is driving us towards our ultimate aim of being the world’s most ethical and truly sustainable global business.

Office Team - Care More

PrintAs a business supplies company, OfficeTeam’s core function is to get essential workplace supplies into the hands of our customers in a timely manner. Naturally, this requires us to source, package and distribute a variety of consumables. Our ‘Care More’ programme has been developed to enhance the sustainability of our end-to-end operations – from the products we procure, through to the way they are packaged, delivered and disposed of.

At each stage, we’ve taken steps to reduce our own impact, whilst raising customer awareness and setting improvement targets. This has shrunk our carbon footprint, whilst making our customers’ supply chains greener.

The Crown Estate - Creating Brilliant Places

The Crown Estate’s purpose is to create brilliant places through conscious commercialism. It’s about taking a long-term view, seeing the bigger picture, identifying opportunities for growth, and creating environments that are relevant, attractive and profitable. Our entry gives a snap shot of sustainable working practices and innovative projects in collaboration with business partners, customers and wider stakeholders, including our people. It also introduces the approach we have developed to measure the value we create, or diminish, through our business activity – which in turn can influence our decision-making.

Belazu Ingredients Company - The Journey Matters

PrintBelazu Ingredient Company responsibly sources, produces and supplies a range of authentic Mediterranean ingredients.

The “Journey Matters” initiative is based on 3 CSR pillars: Product, Planet and People and underpins responsible sourcing, the company’s environmental footprint reduction and promotion of social engagement in the UK and abroad.

Belazu’s founders are committed to building long-term relationships with suppliers, customers and employees. Through the Belazu Foundation – the company’s charitable arm, established in 2003 – they are devoted to supporting and educating disadvantaged families and helping to foster a more positive relationship between kids and the food they eat.

Outstanding Individual Corporate Leadership

Paul Ellis, CEO of Ecology Building Society

 Paul Ellis was striving towards a fairer world long before ‘sustainability’ became popular.  At Ecology, he has helped to pioneer a different way of doing business, promoting the benefits of ethical finance by providing mortgages which support sustainable communities and respect the environment.

Under Paul’s leadership, Ecology has widened its remit from residential-only mortgages, to lending for a wide range of commercial and community-led housing projects.

He celebrated 25 years with Ecology in 2017, including 22 as CEO. He is the longest standing UK building society CEO, and has overseen an increase in assets of more than £150m (900%) since his appointment.

James Thornton, Founder & Chief Executive of Client Earth

James ThorntonJames Thornton is founder and chief executive of ClientEarth, Europe’s first and leading environmental law charity. Using the power of the law, he finds creative and practical ways to protect the environment.

Under his leadership, ClientEarth has won a series of landmark cases against the UK government on air quality, blocked what would have been Europe’s largest new coal power plant being built in Poland and led shareholders to transform how Shell, BP and Glencore act on climate risk.

A member of the bars of California, New York and the Supreme Court of the United States and a solicitor of England and Wales, James is a leader who creates practical solutions to environmental challenges.

Best Individual Community Project

Sponsored by Prospect Arts

Penguin Random House - WriteNow

PRH_UK_logo_RGBWriteNow is a nationwide campaign created by Penguin Random House UK to ensure the books and authors we publish better reflect the society we live in. It aims to find, mentor and publish new writers from communities under-represented on the nation’s bookshelves, including writers from BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) or LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer) communities, writers who have a disability, or come from a socio-economically marginalised background. Established in 2016, the programme has welcomed 300 writers to six regional events across the UK, received nearly 5,000 applications from writers around the country and led to 3 writers so far being published.

Association of Blind Asians - Transforming the lives of visually impaired South Asians

ABALosing sight can be daunting; emotionally and psychologically damaging and can have an impact on individuals and their dear ones.  Roshni project was seeking to address the following problems;

– Increasingly high levels of visual impairment amongst the south Asian population

– Growing mental and physical ill health which are linked to visual impairments amongst the above population

– The lack of public awareness about the importance of good eye care, visual impairments and eye conditions, specifically within the south Asian community.

– Isolation and social exclusion amongst south Asian members  with visual impairments and their carers

– The lack of awareness and non-uptake of free services in hospitals and benefits available to the south Asian population resulting in a poor standard of living.

WDP Charity - Capital Card®

PrintA WDP innovation and sector first, the Capital Card® is WDP’s own service user loyalty card scheme that rewards service user engagement through a simple earn-spend points system.

Based on the concept that we all respond well to a little ‘nudge in the right direction,’ by incentivising positive behaviour, WDP service users can earn points by attending appointments or groups related to their recovery care plan and then spend those points with our local community ‘Spend Partners’ on activities such as going to the gym or a swim, cinema tickets or adult learning courses.

Allen & Overy - ReStart

PrintLong-term unemployment in the over-50s is an issue of growing concern, not only because of the effect on individuals, but for the wider impact it has on the community (see Additional Information re: The Missing Million). Recognising this issue, Allen & Overy and social enterprise, MyKindaFuture, launched ReStart in 2017 – an employability programme to support people over 50 who had been out of work for six months or longer.

The first ReStart programme in 2017 supported 40 participants through workshops, mentoring and innovative digital learning, it helped people rediscover strengths, build knowledge, skills and confidence to ultimately return to employment.

UPS & UK Youth - Road Code

UPS logoUKYouth_Circle logo_CMYK copy

UK Youth’s Road Code, delivered in partnership with UPS is a practical and innovative road safety programme which aims to empower young people to be safe in and around cars.  Since 2015, Road Code has engaged 2200 13-19 year olds across 12 regions in the UK and Republic of Ireland. As a result of the programme, young people’s knowledge and attitudes to road safety have significantly improved, with them committing to being better drivers and passengers, and adopting safe driving behaviours.

Cross Country Trains - Cub Scout Personal Safety Project

Cross_Country_by_arriva_1935_403CrossCountry’s industry-leading Cub Scout Personal Safety Project has succeeded in educating young people around the importance of rail safety. Delivered in partnership with The Scout Association and rail industry stakeholders, the project enables Cub Scouts to work towards their Personal Safety Activity Badge, visit their local railway stations and carry out station improvement projects.

Engagement has been high with +26.5k activity packs downloaded and +14k safety badges awarded to date. With a host of celebrity endorsements, including Johnny Depp, this project has created enthusiastic young rail ambassadors and contributed to a significant reduction in children trespassing on the railways.

Best Partnership in the Community (Joint Award)

Sponsored by Give as you Live

Ocado, North Warwickshire BC & Healthy Living Network - Ediblelinks

ediblelinks_logo_2Ediblelinks is a charitable partnership between online supermarket Ocado, North Warwickshire Borough Council, and the Healthy Living Network Nuneaton & Bedworth. The partnership redistributes fresh food surplus, focusing on increasing health and wellbeing in the North Warwickshire community. Between April 2017 and February 2018, the project redistributed over 231 tonnes of fresh food to over 6,000 people in 153 community and school groups.

Black Rock & IntoUniversity - Big City Bright Future

PrintBig City Bright Future is an annual three week work experience programme for school leavers from disadvantaged neighbourhoods who aspire to work in the City. It was created by BlackRock in partnership with education charity IntoUniversity.

What started as a mentor programme for 15 students at BlackRock in 2014 has developed into an annual paid work experience programme for over 115 students across 17 city firms today. The three week programme consists of one week bootcamp training at King College London and two weeks work experience at one of seventeen participating city firms. The school leavers gain invaluable experience and confidence.

Thames Water & Action for River Kennet - Water Matters

Thames & Ark 3Thames Water and Action for the River Kennet (ARK) have run a successful community partnership programme since 2011, under the titles ‘Care for the Kennet’ and ‘Water Matters’. The overall aim is to encourage long-term behaviour change to keep the water environment healthy by raising awareness of the value of water, reducing water consumption and reducing river pollution to promote biodiversity. There are a variety of innovative and creative workshops available to schools and community groups including river field trips, water matters talks and raising trout/eels to be released into the River Kennet.

Royal Mail & The Stroke Association

PrintBetween 2014 and 2017, Royal Mail worked in partnership with the Stroke Association to raise much needed awareness and funds for victims of stroke. The partnership raised £2 million to fund 10,000 ‘Life After Stroke’ grants, for stroke survivors to buy vital home or personal equipment and support them to become more active in their community. The partnership also raised awareness of the causes and risks association with stroke, measuring the blood pressure of 15,000 employees, organising Fun Runs for 1,400 people in local communities and developing a special postmark, featured on 575 million pieces of mail country-wide.

West Ham United Foundation & 150Club

PrintIn May 2016, West Ham United’s Foundation set out to deliver life changing results for the community they work in the heart of – Newham. As one of the poorest boroughs in London, and with the second highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes in England, the borough faces unique challenges.

But, by working in a ground-breaking partnership with the NHS and Newham Council, West Ham United are using the power of football and sport over a 24-week programme to inspire local residents who would otherwise be uncomfortable discussing their health and making changes to their lifestyle.

Cross Country Trains & The Scout Association - Cub Scout Personal Safety Project

Cross_Country_by_arriva_1935_403CrossCountry’s industry-leading Cub Scout Personal Safety Project has succeeded in educating young people around the importance of rail safety. Delivered in partnership with The Scout Association and rail industry stakeholders, the project enables Cub Scouts to work towards their Personal Safety Activity Badge, visit their local railway stations and carry out station improvement projects. Engagement has been high with +26.5k activity packs downloaded and +14k safety badges awarded to date. With a host of celebrity endorsements, including Johnny Depp, this project has created enthusiastic young rail ambassadors and contributed to a significant reduction in children trespassing on the railways.

Investec & Arrival Education

IV_ID_PrimDsc_CMYKFor the last ten years Investec has partnered with social mobility social enterprise Arrival Education, helping to deliver youth development programmes. Based in Tower Hamlets, Arrival work to equip young people who face social, economic and cultural barriers, with personal qualities, skills and mind-sets to achieve success.

Investec was approached by the AE co-founding entrepreneurs when it was just an idea.  With our own entrepreneurial roots, and Entrepreneurship and Education focuses of our CSR strategy, it is a great values and culture fit.

We recently co-created an investment programme, giving students a unique understanding of financial markets, trading and investments.

Best International Sustainable Community

Sponsored by Incognito

Alquity & Afrikids

alquity 500x362Founded in 2010, Alquity invests across the emerging markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Investments are only made in responsible businesses and the firm donates a minimum of 10% of revenues to charitable projects where they invest. Fuelling growth from the grassroots, Alquity builds sustainable economies which in turn deliver better returns over the long-term for their investments.

Since 2014, Alquity has supported AfriKids who provide micro-finance and educational support in Ghana. This has funded:

  • The Family Livelihoods Support Programme: loans to 2,477 women and funding for outreach workers, enabling them to grow their income by 77 GHS/ month. The programme transformed 10,212 lives in 2017.
  • Transforming Futures Programme: vocational training for 80 young people, supporting 62 students to complete their formal education and 35 loans to fund nurse and teacher training.

Binti International

Basic RGBWe design community projects that manufacture sanitary towels that are:


By locally producing and selling low-cost, affordable and disposable sanitary towels that are biodegradable and eco-friendly. Raw materials for production will be sourced locally and they will be manufactured alongside disposable towels to increase cost efficiency.


By locally producing hygienic sanitary towels that can be reused and recycled through a simple wash and dry, making them practical and cost effective.

Sustainable Social Enterprise

Binti focuses on increasing sustainability by hiring local women to produce and sell sanitary towels. Women will be economically independent,  empowered and they will create an extra source of sustainable income. Profits will be used to fund  Binti bespoke menstruation mindfulness education.  Solar energy will be used to power most of our workshops.

Alongside our production facilities, Binti aims to educate by providing educational programmes with long term goal to change perceptions and dispel shame and taboos around periods. Health issues will be discussed and a forum will be provided for women  and men to be able to openly discuss periods without any prejudice.

GSK & Care International

GSK_HLOS_3D_RGBSince 2013 GSK-CARE has created a sustainable healthcare infrastructure across all 87 Unions in Sunamganj, Bangladesh, an area which is under water half the year. This healthcare system is improving health outcomes through community education and access. We have:

  • Trained 300 Entrepreneur Midwives, who provide the communities with skilled, affordable healthcare services and products whilst generating essential income for themselves, each supported by 10 Community Health Workers who educate and increase community outreach.
  • Established a network of Community Support Systems, who support the healthcare workers, set prices and tackle community health challenges
  • Mobilised strong government support to ensure sustainability.

Toy Bank

Toybank‘It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.’ Toybank envisions a world where all children are empowered through healthy play. It provides secure and happy childhoods for children who are at risk, so they are empowered to experience an equitable adulthood. Toybank believes that qualities like passion, enthusiasm and goodness are qualities which are planted at the root level. A happy Childhood defines so many aspects for children and thus the society at large.

We believe that early childhood development programs are the most important investment to address inequality, break the cycle of poverty and improve outcomes later in life.  And Play is the Proven Best Medium for this.

Toybank registered under, The Opentree Foundation reaches out to 43,009 children, across 9 districts in Maharashtra, India. We are aiming to empower all the children with skill and attitudinal input required to impact the choices they make. This is done through an activity-based curriculum that builds the ability of children of both genders to identify and access choices that will enable them to improve their life opportunities.

Cool Earth & the Ashaninka Partnership

PrintCool Earth is a non-profit organisation that works alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation and its impact on climate change. We work successfully with several communities across Peru, DR Congo and Papua New Guinea, our most established partnership being with the Asháninka in Peru since 2008. In each partnership, funds are transferred directly to a freely elected Community Association, who decide on and implement projects according to community needs. The support focuses on improvements in livelihoods and access to services with the aim that forest protection becomes a sustainable component of empowered, healthy communities.

Because International - The Shoe That Grows

tstg-logo-darkThe Shoe That Grows is an innovative shoe that grows right along with growing kids. It expands 5 sizes and lasts for years – protecting feet and helping kids challenged by extreme poverty in developing nations to be more healthy, attend school more often, and be more confident.  The Shoe That Grows is produced at a local factory in Ethiopia and brings employment to families through production, warehousing, and distribution. We fight the negative cycle of poverty with the positive cycle of innovation.

Best Education Project

Thames Water, Green Gumption, Global Action Plan & Ech2o - Water Efficiency Schools Programme

Thames WaterWe have worked with Global Action Plan, Ech2o and Green Gumption to deliver water efficiency workshops in 130 London schools since 2014. We aim to develop a sustainable water culture amongst pupils and a step change in behaviour that will save water at home, school and the wider community. This is delivered through assemblies, interactive workshops, student projects and the distribution of water efficiency gadgets.  Furthermore, we offered up to £500 of water efficiency upgrades including fixing leaky loos, installing eco-betas (a dual-flush conversion device) and installing modern urinal controls. Since 2014, we have saved an estimated 220,000 litres of water each day.

Tata Consultancy Services - 'Digital Explorers - Experience Work'

Tata Consultancy Services logoWork experience for a typical 16 year old is synonymous with photocopying, making drinks and chair swiveling at ones parents/relatives work place. Not so at TCS Digital Explorers.  Aimed unashamedly at talented young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who lack social networks, we run an intensive boot camp for students to learn core IT skills though real-world projects, participate in cutting-edge workshops, rub shoulders with industry professionals, explore future tech trends, network with entrepreneurs and graduate from the week equipped with the confidence and abilities needed to succeed in the world of digital work.

Solutions for the Planet

The Big Ideas programme delivered to over 14,000 young people in North England, Scotland, the West Midlands and South East begins with a Big Ideas Day where we engage KS3 year groups in exciting activities around sustainability, environmental problems, team work and problem solving.

After the Big Ideas day teams continue to work on their own Big Idea in development sessions organised by school turning their idea into a business plan and project for submission to the Big Ideas Competition.  Business mentors support the development of ideas throughout the programme culminating with a Final event at the Palace of Westminster.

Unilever & Project Dirt - Outdoor Classroom Day 2017

OUTDOOR_CLASSROOM_DAY_RGB_MONOChildren today spend far too little time outdoors – often less than high security prisoners, according to a shocking 2016 study. Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign to make outdoor learning and play part of children’s everyday life, wherever they are in the world. We engage parents, teachers and supporters to champion the importance of outdoor learning and play for children’s development and happiness.

The campaign is led by Project Dirt and backed by Unilever. Working in partnership with local NGOs and Unilever offices world-wide has given us a truly international reach. In 2017, 2,345,809 children participated across 101 countries.

Barclays - LifeSkills

Basic CMYKLaunched in 2013 to help tackle the societal issue of youth unemployment in the UK, LifeSkills created with Barclays is an employability programme which aims to inspire and equip young people with the skills needed for the 21st century workplace. LifeSkills brings together educators, businesses, young people and parents to achieve this goal.

Increasingly young people need to leave education not only with appropriate academic results, but also with the skills that businesses need as technology reshapes our working world. To do this, LifeSkills provides educators with 60 hours of free curriculum-linked employability resources, including videos, activities and lesson plans.

UBS & The Bridge Academy - A decade of turning dreams into reality

ubs_semibold_4cFor over 30 years, UBS has delivered an impactful community programme in the neighbouring borough of Hackney. 2017 marked 10 years since UBS founded its flagship education partnership, The Bridge Academy in Hackney, a secondary school that UBS co-founded with a client to close the attainment gap between those from the poorest and wealthiest backgrounds.

UBS commit funding and harness the skills and commitment of our employees (over 61,800 hours since inception) to support the Bridge in providing excellent and inclusive education, rooted in the local community. Working in close partnership with local organisations, our education programme reduces educational inequality and increases the employability of young people through mentoring, skills development, work experience and academic support.

Investec & Arrival Education

IV_ID_PrimDsc_CMYKSince 2008, Investec has partnered with social mobility social enterprise Arrival Education, helping to create unique educational experiences. Based in Tower Hamlets, Arrival work to equip young people from difficult backgrounds, who face social, economic and cultural barriers, with personal qualities, skills, knowledge and mind-sets to achieve success.

We recently co-created a bespoke investment programme, with volunteers giving students a unique understanding of financial markets, trading and investments through bespoke materials and advice. Following our pilot in 2015, the innovative programme has been secured fantastic engagement, positively impacting students and volunteers.

Best Employee Engagement Scheme

Sponsored by GivingForce

OVO Energy - OVO Gives Back

PrintOVO Gives Back is an employee-led initiative that empowers the OVO team to nominate and vote for the four local charities they’d like OVO to support for the year. These charities receive a £20,000 grant each and year-round volunteer support from OVO employees. Now in its second year, OVO employees completed over 2,000 hours of volunteering at 37 volunteer events and supported eight local charities. OVO Gives Back enables OVO employees to give something back to the neighbourhoods they call home – building a happy workforce and a stronger community too.

GSK - Orange United

GSK_STC_1L_CMYKGSK and Save the Children have an innovative global partnership with the ambition of helping to save one million children’s lives. Orange United was launched by GSK in 2013 to inspire GSK employees to make a difference by contributing their time and enthusiasm to fundraise and support the partnership. To date employees in 70 countries have raised an incredible £3.1 million for Save the Children; 103 employees have volunteered their time through 3-6 month skills-based secondments (supply, procurement, communications etc;) and brought their expertise in research & development to help develop innovative child-friendly medicines.

Building Sustainably

In association with the Carbon Trust

Verto Homes - Island Reach

Verto Homes Logo

Island Reach was designed to set a benchmark in the design of ‘eco homes’, with a certain stereotype around this style of home, our intention was to dismantle that thinking and provide a stunning building in design, finish and functionality. Another stipulation at concept was for the buildings to be capable of self managing in day to day operations, not with simple lighting controls, but a fully integrated, fully automated smart home installation. Island Reach has become our flagship of Zero Carbon Smart Home design, with sustainable materials and finishes throughout the construction process and eventual operation of the homes.

Vacherin & Maudsley Charity - Ortus

ORTUS NEWORTUS was purpose built by the Maudsley Charity in order to create an all-inclusive, sustainable space for training, for the South London and Maudsley NHS foundation Trust.

Our commitment to sustainability and environmental concerns are reflected in the design of the building, as well as our day to day operations. Environmentally conscious architects (Duggan Morris) worked closely with building environment and services engineering consultants (Skelley & Couch), the director of the charity, as well as the local community to ensure that the clear vision of the building remains sustainability, learning and wellbeing.

Graham Construction - Folkestone Harbour Regeneration

PrintCentral to the Harbour Regeneration project are attention to design excellence and the aspiration to realise long term regeneration goals that ensure Folkestone will have an economy that works for 12 months of the year. To prepare the harbour for the redevelopment involved dredging of the harbour area with excavated material subsequently utilised within the associated beach nourishment and erosion protection element. The reinstatement of a wooden boardwalk / promenade further added to the usability of this area. The public realm works included refurbishment of the historic rail swing-bridge to accommodate a new walkway inspired by New York’s Highline ‘Rails to Trails’ initiatives.

Environmental Behaviour Change

City To Sea - Refill

refill_droplets‘Refill’ was launched by City to Sea in Bristol in 2015. It’s a simple idea that puts the power to stop plastic pollution in your hands. Friendly cafes, bars, restaurants, museums and many other places can register as a Refill station on our app, place a bright, friendly sticker in the window and offer free water refills to passers-by.

We now have over 15 schemes in the UK from Devon to Dumfries, and have recently announced a partnership with the water industry, enabling us to grow and respond to the hundreds of requests we have for new schemes!

Green Business UK - Green Tourism

PrintGreen Tourism is internationally recognised as the go-to standard for sustainability with 2000+ award holders in the UK that include all segments of the leisure and hospitality industry.  Our team of qualified sustainability assessors provide expertise; support and pragmatic advice for businesses to help them reduce the use of resources, create jobs, and promote local culture and sustainable lifestyles.  Green Tourism is helping thousands of businesses on their positive green journey, demonstrating significant results by caring for People and Places and changing the industry’s relationship with our most important asset: the planet.

Do Nation

PrintFollowing research into environmental pledge schemes, we identified the need for a platform that anyone could use to inspire behaviour change within their own companies and communities, without forfeiting the costly features required to turn pledges into lasting behaviours.

We developed an online platform where anyone can run a campaign to raise pledges from their colleagues – to do things like wasting less food or using reusable bottles.

Do Nation has now helped 670 people to lead effective behaviour change campaigns within organisations ranging from Network Rail to Pukka Herbs. Together they’ve helped +16,000 people to adopt new habits, directly saving +2,000 tCO2 pa. All while empowering sustainability leaders to lead even greater change.

Hubbub & Simply Cups - Square Mile Challenge

hubbub 500x362Hubbub, an environmental charity, partnered with Simply Cups and the City of London Corporation to create and deliver the Square Mile Challenge. This innovative, ambitious behaviour change campaign recycled 4 million coffee cups from April to December 2017. We believe it is largest paper cup recycling project worldwide to date.

The Square Mile Challenge was supported by a coalition within the UK coffee industry. A total of 174 new cup recycling points were introduced across the Square Mile, supported by local community and business engagement, in store messaging, public installations and high profile media and social media activity.

Sustainable Supply Chain

The Travel Foundation - Taste of Fethiye

TF_master_secondary_CMYKTaste of Fethiye tackled one of the most challenging aspects of sustainable tourism for destinations: integrating small, local producers into a large tourism supply chain.  The project enabled farmers in Fethiye, Turkey to benefit from tourism by supplying mainstream hotels.  The project has increased income for farmers, introduced more sustainable farming methods, engaged businesses in sustainable tourism and enhanced the tourist experience.

Taste of Fethiye was set up and delivered by sustainable tourism charity, the Travel Foundation, in partnership with TUI UK & Ireland, Thomas Cook and The Co-operative Travel.  It is now run by local partner FETAV.

Cred Jewellery - Bringing Sustainable Gold Supply Chains to Africa

Cred is a social enterprise helping the poorest and most disadvantaged communities in developing countries: small scale artisanal miners. In 2011 Cred established the first traceable and independently audited mine to market supply chain for precious metals. This unique model involves exporting, wholesaling and retailing to raise awareness and demand for responsibly mined gold.

In 2017 Cred brought the first African Fairtrade Gold from Uganda to market, doubling the miner’s income and bringing health and safety, community representation and environmental protection up to Fairtrade Standards. Cred works in partnership with other organisations to increase efficiency and sustainability of gold reclamation.

Sambazon - The Sustainable Management of the Brazilian Amazon

SambazonSambazon takes its name from its core goal: The Sustainable Management of the Brazilian Amazon. It aims for and represents a positive future of global food consumption that makes a positive impact on local communities and protects the biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest. Sambazon is on a mission to bring Açaí and its many benefits to the rest of the world, establishing the Açaí bowl as an accessible, delicious health food staple as it is in the States, Japan, Australia and its home country of Brazil, where for many it is part of the daily diet.

Action Sustainability - The Supply Chain Sustainability School

AS_LogoLaunched in 2012, the Supply Chain Sustainability School represents a common approach to addressing sustainability within supply chains. With more than 20,000 members, and just under 70 partner organisations, the School provides free practical support in the form of e-learning modules, tailored self-assessments and action plans, sustainability training, and networking opportunities.

The School is completely free and allows access to training in three different areas: Sustainability, Management and Offsite, offering users the opportunity to attend training and networking events, gain CPD points, complete a self-assessment and get a bespoke action plan, complete e-learning modules and various training resources.  Action Sustainability delivers the School which is part funded by CITB.

WWF & Thai Union - Working together to source sustainable seafood

WWF Thai UnionWWF and Thai Union Europe (TUE) are working together to create sustainable seafood supply chains, protecting the biodiversity of our oceans and ensuring food security for the future. TUE is one of the biggest seafood companies in Europe and in just three years it has achieved 20% Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification across its supply chain and more than 80% of its tuna supply is now engaged in projects to improve sustainability. Through the partnership, TUE is also providing conservation funding to support WWF’s work ensuring sustainable livelihoods in artisanal fishing communities in East Africa.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Sponsored by Revive

MacRebur - Plastics Roads

logo 12MacRebur’s products are made from 100% waste plastic materials and are used to replace part of the bitumen in any asphalt mix.

As fossil fuels are constantly being consumed, alternatives to bitumen must be considered to improve sustainability. MacRebur’s products replace part of the bitumen in asphalt, giving a significant reduction in fossil fuel usage.

We are seeing the negative effects of a plastic epidemic throughout the world and this is especially true in UK now that China has stopped taking our UK plastic waste. But as MacRebur’s products are all made from 100% recycled plastic materials, they help reduce unwanted, discarded plastics from landfill and from oceans.

MacRebur use local waste for local roads.

AB Sugar - Global Mind, Local Champions

PrintA key priority of our business model and sustainability strategy; “Global Mind, Local Champions” is to be the most efficient and productive processor of sugar in the world. Our circular economy approach focuses on making the most out of every stick of cane and root of beet – developing valuable downstream co-products out of waste from the production process, including animal feed and electricity, as well as using all our inputs efficiently to minimise our environmental impact. In Europe, our British and Spanish businesses (British Sugar and Azucarera) recycle 99% of their waste, making a ‘zero waste’ future an achievable reality.

Hubbub - Community Fridges

hubbub 500x362A national network of Community Fridges has been established to redistribute perishable food that would otherwise be wasted. It aims to fill the current gaps in food surplus redistribution and engage retailers and householders on the food waste agenda.

The Community Fridge Network provides a free support service for any group setting up or running a Community Fridge, helping the concept flourish across the UK. The project has brought together major retailers, grant giving organisations, local authorities and community groups in an innovative attempt to reduce business and domestic food waste and strengthen communities.

Too Good To Go

Too Good To GoToo Good To Go is a consumer market place for surplus food. As a social enterprise, we’re fighting food waste via our free app connecting customers to stores with surplus. Customers simply pre-order a ‘magic box’ from the store and collect it in the time window. With minimal effort for stores to update portions and collection windows, as well as not needing to specify exact food left, it ensures longevity and engagement to end food waste. In the UK we’ve prevented 120,000 meals going to landfill, reducing CO2 emissions as much as taking 50 cars off the roads would.

Freegle - Kings House Reuse Project

The Kings House Reuse project was part of an ambitious modernisation programme that changed the way the council thinks about its offices, assets and procurement. Running from January 2016 to May 2017 and involved emptying the largest office block in the city (100,000 square feet) of 1,000 staff, along with all their furniture and equipment. The city council has shown leadership in initiating a partnership with a local citizen and charity who developed an innovate way to minimise waste which also changed staff behaviour, attitude and understanding.  The model is replicable and enables culture change, budget savings and maximises waste reduction.

Best Sustainable Transport

Sponsored by Cross River Partnership

OfficeTeam - Care More

PrintThe Care More Initiative is a comprehensive programme launched by OfficeTeam which sets out our commitment to place ethics at the heart of our business. It forms the bedrock of our long-term corporate responsibility agenda. The initiative touches upon every aspect of our work, with a particular focus on minimising the carbon emissions of our logistics network. We make over 1.2 million deliveries each year and our mission is to minimise the environmental impact of those deliveries through a programme of investment in our logistics network including implementing electric vehicles, more efficient routes and larger trailers.

10:10 - Riding Sunbeams

1010climateaction_logoPioneering project discovered that solar power could be connected directly to electrified railways to power trains, was commercially feasible and where precisely it would work best in UK. Technology not yet used anywhere in the world but with vast potential.

Best Eco Product(s)

Sponsored by pebble magazine

Delphis Eco - PCR Bottles

DelphisDelphis Eco, despite all doubt, have achieved 100% Post Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic packaging for their ecological chemical range A 5 year struggle, in which Delphis fought to buy 100% UK waste and created 100% recycled packaging.

Recycling plastic is not a new science. However, we know that at least 93% is not recycled and with the vast amount ending up in landfill or our oceans. What Delphis Eco has achieved is to prove the concept that it is possible to procure UK recycled plastic and produce a 100% recycled plastic bottle. Not only does this product reduce C02 by 70%, it is globally scalable across almost every industry and it reduces plastic into the environment, helps the UK/China waste crisis.


PrintAs result of a demand for an alternative to Plastic Cups and the need to reduce landfill, Birmingham based APS Metal Pressings Ltd has designed and manufactured “Enviro-Cup”.

“Enviro-Cup” is manufactured from Recycled Food Grade Stainless Steel and is not only durable and user friendly, but is also totally Recyclable. Perfect for use at Outdoor Events & Festivals.

Enviro-Cup is a great example of the “Circular Economy” in that the process starts with a sheet of 235mmx235mm Recycled Stainless Steel and at the end of its life is totally recyclable, ready to start again.

Delipac - Zero waste sustainable barrier packaging board for food & drink

DeliPacThe problem!

The U.K. consumes circa 5+ billion single use plastic lined board food-to-go packs & 3.5+ billion single use plastic lined coffee cups. For disposal, approximately 98% is consigned to landfill or pollutes the seas. Existing plastic laminated waste remains inert in landfill and won’t begin to degrade much before 500 years.

A solution…

Delipac. Unique & innovative zero plastic barrier packaging, engineered to replace existing pe/plastic laminated hot/cold cups/food-to-go packs. Existing laminated barrier packaging is NOT easily recyclable & NOT biodegradable. Delipac packaging, IS completely recyclable in ANY paper waste stream, + biodegradable. Global food conformity + Carbonbalanced.

Snact NOW - Delicious Food waste fighting banana bars in plastic free packaging

PrintSNACT makes delicious food waste-fighting snacks packed in plastic free packaging. We buy ugly unwanted fruit from British farmers and pack-houses to fight food waste and use plastic free home compostable packaging to tackle plastic waste. To date, we’ve saved over 200 tonnes of food from going to waste. Our wholesome fruit jerky and banana bars are packed with all the nutrition of flawless fruit and made with simple, high quality ingredients. Our mission is to build a global movement of Snactivists to create a deliciously sustainable food future. This is what we call our #deliciousprotest.

Best Eco-focused Small Enterprise

Sponsored by Belu Water

Toast Ale

Toast Ale_FINALToast Ale brews craft beer with fresh surplus bread that would otherwise go to waste. Did you know 44% of bread in the UK is wasted? Toast is on a mission to change that. They use unsold bakery bread and the unused heel ends of loaves from sandwich makers to replace one-third of the malted barley in their beer. All profits are donated to the charity Feedback, which campaigns for a better food system. It’s the best thing since, well, you know …

Nature Workshops

LogoFINAL1As a non profit we are already different to most of our competitors. In 2014/15 we decided to start training groups and individuals, instead of just delivering. We found gaps in the market of nature based learning.

We provide roll on roll off training designed to have minimum carbon use. Using woodlands on public bus routes, where our learners live, recruiting local Trainers keeping transport to a minimum and the cash flowing in these  communities. We use other non profits, secondhand kit and shop locally if it all.

The Soap Co

PrintProudly British, The Soap Co. is a social enterprise employing blind, disabled or otherwise disadvantaged people to create luxury, ethical beauty products that are good and do good. We deliver social value through a no-compromises approach to sustainability and quality. Our D&AD award-winning design has attracted mainstream beauty buyers seeking both style and substance. All product profits are reinvested to provide job opportunities across the organisation from marketing to production and IT.

2017 saw us significantly improve our environmental performance, reducing our carbon footprint, and becoming the first beauty brand in the world to achieve The Planet MarkTM sustainability certification. We also switched to 100% renewable energy and launched new bee-friendly products supporting UK farmers.

Best Agency / Consultancy Campaign

In association with Seacourt Print

Client Earth & BMB Agency - #PoisonedPlaygrounds

clientearth_logo_rgbClientEarth with the agency BMB, launched the Poisoned Playgrounds campaign in September 2017, which focuses on the impact of air pollution on children’s health. It maps schools that are within 150 metres of illegally polluted roads in the UK, inspiring the public to voice their concerns to Members of Parliament.

The Communications Store & The Soap Co - Luxury with Purpose, The Pro-bono PR Campaign

A chance conference meeting with co-founder, Camilla Marcus-Dew, in September 2016 has led to a company-wide TCS commitment to help spread the word about The Soap Co. An incredible social enterprise creating employment for people who are blind, disabled or disadvantaged (80% of workforce), The Soap Co. luxury beauty products do good and are good.  As a purpose-led industry leader in the beauty, fashion and lifestyle sectors, TCS was able to harness its wide-reaching media, influencer and VIP contacts to secure fantastic endorsement, coverage and word of mouth buzz, which has led to a growth in awareness and sales, and the brand being stocked in national chain, Anthropologie.