Hubbub: Eat Your Pumpkin

Last Halloween, a terrifying 22 million pumpkins were set to go to waste, meaning around £32 million worth of food would go in the bin. With their ‘Eat Your Pumpkin’ campaign, Hubbub captured the spirit of Halloween and engaged a mainstream audience who might not normally consider taking sustainable action. The campaign reached 11.5 million across cinema, social, digital and PR. Community groups saved over 5 tonnes of food with ‘Eat Your Pumpkin’ events.
KPMG: National Numeracy Day

49% of the UK’s working-age population has the numeracy levels of a primary school child. In response in 2018 National Numeracy and KPMG founded National Numeracy Day (NND). NND is an annual campaign that inspires all ages to take steps to improve their numeracy.
NND encourages collaboration and collective impact by bringing together businesses; government; charities; schools and colleges to engage audiences who struggle with numbers. These organisations sign-up to NND to receive free resources to support their communities with numeracy. NND’s fifth annual campaign in 2022 achieved transformative impact through 4,800+ sign-ups and 459,742 actions taken to improve numeracy.
City to Sea: World Refill Day

World Refill Day is a global public awareness campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste. The campaign is designed to accelerate the transition away from single-use plastic towards refill & reuse, changing consumer behaviour and creating an alternative vision for the future. Together with our partners, supporters and thousands of everyday activists, we’ve built a global movement, inspired action and demonstrated that the world is ready for a refill and reuse revolution.
ITV, Mind, YoungMinds, SAMH: Britain Get Talking, The Breakthrough

Britain Get Talking, ITV’s campaign in partnership with Mind, YoungMinds and SAMH, is the most well-known mental wellbeing campaign in the UK.
In 2022 it sought to help tackle the mental health crisis among young people by encouraging parents to keep talking to their teenagers no matter how hard it might seem.
Using powerful advertising and interrupting programming to create ‘breakthrough moments’ that were conversation starters, the initiative succeeded in getting 7 million people to take action as a result of the campaign.
HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft.: HELLo ALU awareness-raising campaign

HELLo ALU is an awareness-raising campaign of the energy and soft drinks company HELL ENERGY, launched in 2022, to raise consumer awareness of the benefits of aluminium packaging and the importance of keeping it in circulation in a playful and interactive way through collective action. Last year, consumers collected around 33,000 aluminium cans at festivals, tram stops and supermarkets as part of the CSR campaign. This year’s programme aims to target the secondary school, university, young adult and working age groups with age-specific educational activities, educating consumers on the circular economy.
Red Stone: World Hepatitis Day

With someone dying every 30 seconds from a hepatitis related illness each year, the impact and treatments available needed to be made clear. We were commissioned by the World Hepatitis Alliance to deliver the World Hepatitis Day campaign. Its aim is to communicate the urgent need for action, by informing decision makers of the scale of the challenge and encouraging people worldwide to get tested. The World Hepatitis Day 2021 campaign launched on 28th July. A global virtual relay passed through 40 countries spanning every time zone and the #WorldHepatitisDay gained over 500 million Twitter impressions.
HAVI Group: HAVI Gives: World Cleanup Day

How it Started: One person. One idea. One identified volunteer cause.
52 days later: A company-wide cleanup effort, resulting in 33 events, 914 participants, totaling 1,868 volunteer hours and removing 7,056.5 kg of litter to make a significant impact in our communities.
Giving back has always been an important part of our company’s culture, values, and sustainability strategy. In connection with our annual goal of 50,000-hours of community service, HAVI encourages our employees to give back by donating their time to causes of their choice. That autonomy and encouragement is what catalyzed employee action in 2022.