City To Sea: Rethink Periods

Rethink Periods is a free, nationwide schools programme run by City to Sea: a not-for-profit, campaigning to stop plastic pollution at source. The programme offers unbiased, timely information designed to update outdated, sexist period education whilst exploring the social and environmental contexts of menstruation.
Schools receive training enabling them to deliver thought-provoking lessons to their pupils feeling confident and well informed. They receive a product demonstration box filled with organic/plastic free/reusable products which gives pupils the chance to explore their options first-hand whilst probing questions and points for investigation within each lesson encourage them to deepen understanding and re-evaluate perceptions.
Delphis Eco: Recycled Plastic Rating (RPR)

The RPR shows the consumer exactly how much recycled content is in the packaging they’re buying, empowering consumers to live sustainably by purchasing products packaged in Post-Consumer Recycled content. The RPR is easily recognisable and will be understood by manufacturers and consumers on a national scale. 28 different marks currently exist showing whether or not packaging is recyclable. Zero marks exist to show the exact percentage of recycled content in packaging, with the RPR, the confusion is removed and consumers will be able to see if the packaging contains recycled content, and how to re-recycle it.
Cross River Partnership, UPS & UK Power Networks: Smart Electric Urban Logistics

Smart Electric Urban Logistics, in partnership with UPS and UK Power Networks with support from Innovate UK, is an initiative to improve air quality in London by developing new charging technology that overcomes the challenge of simultaneously recharging an entire fleet of electric vehicles without the need for an upgrade to the power supply grid. The smart charging system is a first of its kind, incorporating onsite energy storage and active network management. 20 diesel trucks were converted to fully electric models, and a timed connection assessment tool was also developed by the electricity network operator.