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The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity confirms 2018 GGA donation
This year the Global Good Awards were especially proud to announce a Charity of the Year: The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. The world’s first hospital dedicated to cancer diagnosis, treatment, research and education. We can confirm that the 2018 GGA raised a grand total of £2,623.25.
That figure was raised through a combination of entries and ticket sales – with the GGA donating money for every entry received and every ticket sold for the award ceremony – and from sponsorship of Karen’s wing-walking! (Enjoy the video, here)
Donations from entries and ticket sales were all made via the excellent Work for Good platform – a GGA partner and a social enterprise on a mission to unleash the giving power of the business world, by making giving easy.

How Work for Good make giving easier…
The Charities Act dictates that where businesses wish to support a charity based on a contribution from their profits or takings, they need to sign a Commercial Participation Agreement This is not only time-consuming, but means many charities have thresholds as high as £100k before they’ll engage with business at all.
Work for Good solved this obstacle via their Ts&Cs, which form the Commercial Participation agreement between a business and any charity they support. No legal hassle or lengthy negotiation required… So members can give to one or several charities effortlessly, in any amount, and in a way that’s fully compliant with the law.
Read more about Work for Good, here
Due to the way the GGA donations were managed by Work for Good, Royal Marsden have also benefited… Another company has selected them as their charity of choice after seeing them on the W4G system.
The generous donations of GGA entrants, attendees, and friends, will help to ensure that the Royal Marsden’s nurses, doctors and research teams can continue to provide the very best care and develop life-saving treatments.
GGA founder and CEO, Karen Sutton knows just how valuable their work is, having become aware of the The Royal Marsden when their care recently become personally significant to her best friend Jo Lacey and 3 year old daughter, Betsy. We are especially glad to confirm that Betsy – currently under the care of The Royal Marsden – is in phase 2 of ‘maintenance’, and is doing really well!

Interesting in entering the Global Good Awards in 2019?
It’s not too early to register your interest in entering for 2019. Entries open on 1st December but if you’re registered with us, we can update you on categories, criteria and dates.
Anyone wishing to be part of the Global Good revolution and this unique awards programme can contact Founder, Karen Sutton: karen@GlobalGoodAwards.co.uk