GOLD (Large Orgs)
Three UK: Three Discovery: Power Up The Possibilities

According to Lloyds Consumer Digital Index, as of 2023, 11.2 million UK people left behind by the mobile digital technology revolution, which has been completely transforming everyday lives for the vast majority of us. The elderly, young and disabled in particular. But who’s responsibility is it to help them keep up?
Since 2014, Three UK (Hutchison 3G) has taken on this mantle, voluntarily, and did what no other telecommunications company has done: provide free digital skills training workshops throughout the UK.
The ‘Three Discovery’ programme, led by Three UK employees (Discovery specialists), has delivered 132,000 adult & community workshops to date, and a further 87,000 sessions delivered in our Three stores. OK, we haven’t yet fixed the whole national problem single-handedly, but we have upskilled over 280,000 people since Discovery’s inception – mostly the young, elderly and vulnerable people being left behind.
To quantify Discovery’s substantial impact within the UK community, we commissioned an independent 2023 survey, shows that children increased their digital creativity from 6 to 8 (out of 10) according to their teachers. Our positive aging community has increased confidence in using mobile technology from 5 to 6 and helped 11% spot fraud attempts using the skills learnt.
SILVER (Large Orgs)
PepsiCo Foundation & CARE: She Feeds the World: Transforming The Food System and Empowering Rural Women

She Feeds the World is a partnership between the PepsiCo Foundation and CARE, aimed at addressing gender inequality in farming. Working directly with small-scale women farmers, the program connects women with markets, improves family nutrition and builds confidence in sustainable agricultural practices. Over the six-year partnership, the program will provide resources and training to women farmers and members of their communities across the participating countries, all ultimately driving progress against PepsiCo’s goal of improving the livelihoods of 250,000 people by 2030. As a result of the program, women leaders have been elected to public office, created supply chains within their communities and negotiated with key stakeholders for better trade agreements. To date (as of April 2024), the program has been activated in Uganda, Egypt, Peru, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan and Colombia with future expansions planned.
SILVER (Small Orgs)
ReSpace Projects: ReSpace Alliance: saving waste to rebuild communities

ReSpace is a non-profit which turns empty buildings into thriving community projects; no project is the same, as each is determined by local community needs, but each project is created using surplus and wasted resources. Our ethos is to reuse waste, to reduce inequality and rebuild communities. For example, one project, Zero LDN, which lasted six months saved around £10,000 worth of resources from reaching landfill, including construction materials, food, textiles, electrical goods and furniture. These resources were instead given for free to local people, or used in the creation of the project itself. This project also saved local people over £100,000 in the cost of hiring space, whilst also delivering free workshops and activities for local people. The value of these free and accessible spaces cannot be overestimated, and we had several regular visitors to Zero LDN tell us this project saved their lives, as it gave them a sense of purpose and belonging, or a route to access formal support. We have created ten projects in nearly ten years and resourced or advised hundreds more. Although temporary in nature, these projects have a lasting impact, with better resourced and more connected communities as a result.
BRONZE (Large Orgs)
Dentsply Sirona & Smile Train: Partnering to advance the future of cleft care

Dentsply Sirona (DS) has committed to enabling 25 million smiles by 2025. Progress is evident with 11.2 million smiles delivered since 2021 across communities, dental professionals, and employees. Amongst other actions and with a desire to constantly increase access to oral health globally, DS entered a five-year partnership with Smile Train (ST) in 2021. ST is the world’s largest cleft-focused organization providing training, funding, and resources to local medical professionals in more than 75 countries, empowering them to provide cleft surgery and other essential care to children in their own communities. To support the partnership with ST, DS started a chain of strong internal and external communication campaigns as well as fundraising activities, for example during Cleft Awareness Month in July. In all, DS has committed US$5 million to its ST partnership, and from the start of the project in 2021 to the end of 2023, the company has donated more than US$2 million.
BRONZE (Small Orgs)
Morsbags: Sociable guerilla bagging

Morsbags provides a ‘help yourself’ pattern for volunteers anywhere to turn waste fabric into free, reusable bags. In 2023 over 10,000 volunteers in 49 countries made and gave away 41,987 labelled morsbags, preventing the use of 21 million plastic bags and preventing 5 tonnes of textile waste (equivalent to 5 football pitches in m sq) from going to landfill. Since we began: 540,000 morsbags made, preventing 281 million plastic bags and over 100 tonnes of textile waste from going to landfill.
Friends, colleagues and strangers have joined forces and resources to help solve this dual environmental problem in their local areas, with the additional benefits of providing support with loneliness and mental health challenges, inclusivity via hosting pods in places of worship (churches, methodist chapels, mosques and temples) and breakaway ideas using our original ethos (to cut down on plastic use and textile waste) to make morsbags for food banks, IV, blood pressure monitors and bereavement morsbags (for hospitals), foster relocation morsbags – all of which are heartwarming, vital and totally organic ideas to have sprung from the original morsbags concept.
ONE-TO-WATCH (Large Orgs)
Sanofi: A Million Conversations: Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare with Under-Represented Communities

Sanofi’s “A Million Conversations” is a new global health equity initiative, launched with a commitment of €50M over 8 years to rebuild trust in healthcare with underrepresented communities. Announced at the World Economic Forum in January 2023, our initiative has:
– Interviewed over 24,100 people in 10 countries, uncovering profound trust deficits in healthcare from women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ and disabled people
– Hosted and participated in 37 dialogue events and conferences across five countries, facilitating candid conversations with thousands of patients and healthcare representatives.
– Collaborated with 14 academic partners to onboard 100 young people from diverse backgrounds into a first-of-its-kind Scholarship. Together we are improving representation by supporting young people on their journey to becoming healthcare leaders.
– Brought the initiative to global events, such as One Young World in Belfast. And hosted our own Trust, Inclusion and Equity (TIE) Summit in Boston, where Sanofi awarded 10 advocacy organisations $50,000 to power innovative solutions to help marginalised communities.
– Shaped healthcare policy recommendations, guided by an Advisory Group of 10 inspirational leaders from diverse backgrounds.