Dr Raj Thamotheram is CEO of Preventable Surprises and a Visiting Fellow at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment (Oxford University).
He is a well-recognised thought-leader on how investors can adapt to put people and planet on par with investment returns and so deliver long-term wealth to their clients/customers and society.
He is a columnist (“Long Term Matters”) for Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE), a regular contributor to Responsible Investor and the author of several articles.
He lectures widely, facilitates high-level discussions and provides strategic advisory support and training to clients in the investment system.
He is the co-founder, with Howard Covington, of the Forceful Stewardship initiative which advocates that institutional ask investee companies to publish 2C transition plans, this being the best way to manage climate related systemic risk.
Raj is a member of the board of Council on Economic Policies and trustee of Friends Provident Foundation.
Previously, he has led the Responsible Investment team at Universities Superannuation Scheme and also at AXA Investment Managers. He was nominated by Global Proxy Watch as “one of the 10 most influential figures in the corporate governance field” in 2004 and again in 2008.